Monday, January 7, 2008

Virutal PC (VPC) jerky cursor

The reality of working with sharepoint is that you need to use a virtual pc running win2003/2008. My preference has always been for VMWare, and VMWare 6.0 really wipes the floor with MS Virtual PC. Unfortunately sometimes I am forced to work with VPC, and one of the things that really bugged me was a jerky cursor... searching google didn't help much so I figured it would be something to do with the graphics (after changing a reg setting to increase resolution of the mouse and noticing other jerkiness), and sure enough I eventually found it. Fix: On a VPC with Win2003 go to Display Properties > Settings > Advanced > Troubleshoot slide the hardware acceleration all the way to Full.


Anonymous said...

I had a jerky mouse issue with VPC 2007 running on Xp SP2. I tried your suggestion but it did not fix my problem. What fixed it was installing XP SP3 and rebooting. The VPC 2007 install site now says Xp SP3 is required but I don't think it was available when I first installed VPC 2007.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the advice! That solved the same problem that I had on all my VPCs. Good job!